Administrācija / Staff

Ilēna Rusmane

Administratore / Director

Sandra Pawlowski

Biroja vadītāja / Office manager

Guntras Rusmanis

Saimnieks / Facilities manager

Kristīne Austriņa

Grāmatvede / Bookkeeper

Muzeji un galerija / Museums and Gallery

Klinklāva mākslas galerija /

Klinklava Art Gallery



vadītāja / director Liga Ejups

O. Grīna tautas mākslas muzejs /

Folk Art Museum

Skautu-Gaidu muzejs / 

Boy Scout – Girl Scout Museum

DARBA LAIKI: jūnijā, jūlijā, augustā: sestdienās un svētdienās no plkst. 10:00 līdz 14:00 jeb ar pieteikšanos, zvanot

HOURS: Saturdays and Sundays (summer) 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM or by appointment

vadītāja / director Ilze Antons

Saņemt e-ziņas / Join our email list

Informācija / Information

Friends of Garezers, Inc
Karlis Vizulis

Latvian Assoc. Daugavas Vanagi ASV Inc.
Martins Staks

Latvian Ev. Luth. Holy Trinity Church in Milwaukee
Andrejs Junge

Latvian Lutheran Church of Indianapolis
Andrejs Kancs

Chicago Latvian Ev. Lutheran Zion Church
Martins Staks

Latvian Ev. Luth. United Church of Kalamazoo
Anita Grivins

Daugavas Vanagi Assoc. of Milwaukee, Inc.
Andris Kursietis

Anita Varsbergs-Paza

Latvian Welfare Assoc Daugavas Vanagi of Cleveland
Ilze Hazners

Latvian Association of Cleveland
Haralds Mazzarins

The Latvian Choir Assoc. USA
Ernests Brusubardis

St. Peter’s Latvian Ev. Lutheran Church
Ivars Spalis

United Latvian Ev. Luth. Church of Lincoln
Karlis Indriksons

American Latvian Youth Assoc.
Mara Giga

American Latvian Association
Martins Andersons

St Paul’s Latvian Ev. Luth. Church in Detroit
Guntars Grivins

United Latvian Ev. Luth. Church of Cleveland
Zenta Apinis

Latvian Ev. Luth. Church of Grand Rapids
Ivars Petrovskis

Latvian Relief Fund of America, Inc.
Gunars Berzins

Lansings Latvian Lutheran Church
Edvards Hess

Latvian Welfare Assoc. of Illinois, Inc.
Martins Staks

Latvian Ev. Luth. Church of Minneapolis & St. Paul
Arnolds Ozols

Latvian Medical and Dental Assoc., Inc.
Juris Lazovskis

Latvian Ev. Lutheran Church of Saginaw
Linda Paeglis

Latvian Ev. Luth. United Church of Kalamazoo Ladies Aux.
Dace Copeland

Latvia Subdivision Owners Assoc., Inc.
Marks Baginskis

Wisconsin Latvian Cultural Foundation, Inc.
Peteris Burgelis

Latvian Relief Association of Nebraska
Astra Iesalnieks

Sorority Daugaviete
Mara Lazda

Iowa Latvian Ev. Luth. Congregation
Voldemars Pelds

Latvian Ev. Lutheran Church of Wilmington
Ruta Ore

Fraternity Beveronija
Juris Meisters

Latvian Ev. Lutheran Church of Dayton, OH
Anda Diaz

Latvian Welfare Association of Des Moines
Andris Kirsis

Latvian Ev. Lutheran Church of Columbus & Vicinity
Iveta Grants

Latvian Senior Citizens Association
Egils Apelis

Latvian Heritage Federal Credit Union
Ivars Petrovskis

Latvian Fraternity Ventonia
Herberts Everss

Kalamazoo and Area Latvian Association, Inc.
Maira Bundza

Latvian Association of Detroit
Liga Jekabsons

Latvian Welfare Assoc. Daugavas Vanagi, Inc.
Nora Cerins

Latvian Catholic Group of Grand Rapids
Brons Visockis

Fraternity Selonija
Eriks Petrovskis

Lettgallia Chicago Chapter
Andris Velkme

Latvian Folk Dance Association
Karlis Daukss

Wisconsin Latvian Credit Union, Inc.
Janis Staks

Latvian Society in Iowa, Inc.
Imants Kalnins

Indiana Latvian Society Inc.
Andrejs Kancs

Latvian Association of Grand Rapids
Liga Gonzalez

Kalamazoo Latvian Male Chorus
Roberts Kengis

Fraternity Patria
Ugis Grinbergs

American Latvian Association of Columbus
Iveta Grants

Fraternitas Livonica
Alnis Cers

Latvian Welfare Assoc. DV of Rochester
Liga Nutter

Latvian Scout Association
Andrejs Dumpis

Latvian Ev. Lutheran Church of Vancouver
Karlis Pelens

Latvian Student Assoc Austrums
Juris Alksnitis

Fraternity Latvia
Visvaris Giga

Latvian Daugavas Vanagi of S. California
Teodors Liliensteins

Fraternity Vendia
Arnolds Smiltnieks

Lettonia OH Chapter
Harijs Grants

Cikagas Piecisi
Armands Birkens

Latvian Ev. Luth. Church of Washington D.C.
Dace Zalmanis

Fraternity Gersicania
Juris Gertners

Fraternity Imantica
Eriks Kore

Latvian Student Assoc. Konkordija Zelmenis
Edmunds Ozols

Latv. Catholic Student Assoc. Dzintars
Juris Velkme

Latvian Association of St Petersburg
Dace Nebare

Miciganas Talavijas Kopa
Roberts Kengis

Fraternitas Rusticana
Aleks Vizulis

Fraternity  Lettgallia
Eriks Blumbergs

Latvian Relief Society of Canada, Toronto Branch
Gunta Reynolds

Assoc. of Latvian Fraternities, WI
Eduards Petrovskis

Peace Latvian Ev. Luth. Church of Ottawa – Ladies Aux.
Anda Sipolins

Latvian Church Dievturi
Maija Stumbris

Latvian Senior Association of Illinois
Inese Stokes

Sorority Dzintra
Velga Drillis-Eizis

Latvian Sports Assoc. – Central States
Andra Krievs

Indiana Assoc. of Latvian Senior Citizens
Janis Kaulins

Assoc. of Latvian Fraternities, Chicago, IL
Juris Meisters

Lettonia WI Chapter
Lauris Rozkalns

Konkordija Valdemarija- CA
Adolfs Samts

Women’s Aux. Latvian Ev. Lutheran Church of New Brunswick and Lakewood
Ilze Baidins

Oregon Latvian Society, Inc.
Ilva Metlane

Latvian Community Center of Indianapolis, Inc.
Andris Krumkalns

Latvian Luth. Congregation of Pittsburgh
Sabina Hosko

Latvian Boy Scout Troop 51 Daugava of Cleveland
Karlis Daukss

Latvian Ev. Luth. Church of Manchester
Astra Vilinskis

St Louis Latvian Church
Irene Kalnins

Concordia Zinteniece
Zaiga Kanasevics

Lettonia IL Chapter
Dainis Kiusals

Latvian Foundation
Renate Kenney

Latvian Ev. Lutheran Congregation of Buffalo
Vidis Malejs

Latvian Ev. Luth. Church of S. California
Tamara Rusis

Latvian Fishing and Hunting Club
Martins Grendze

Ladies Aux. Iowa Latvian Ev. Luth. Congregation
Ingrida Steinblums

United Latvian Associations of Chicago
Roberts Blumbergs

Latvian Ev. Lutheran Church of Seattle
Janis Sulcs

Latvian Ev. Luth. Congregation of Bucks County & Vicinity
Ruta Ziedonis

Fraternity Tervetia Midwest Chapter
Janis Inveiss

Chicago Latvian Association, Inc.
Dace Kezbers

Assoc. of Latvian Fraternities, Indiana
Andrejs Kancs

Brusubardas & Dzimtene Choir
Eriks Kakulis

Concordia Zinteniece California Chapter
Zaiga Kanasevics

Latvian Puppet Theatre in Chicago
Pauls Reinfelds

Edmonton Latvian Society Imanta
Nelda Kononova

Fraternity Lataviensis
Viesturs Taurins

Ev. Lutheran Latvian Church of Denver
Valdis Zebauers

Kr. Barona latviesu skola Cikaga
1 share
Rasma Kraulis

Hunting & Fishing Club of Chicago
1 share
Helmuts Lackajs

L.D.S. Piemares Draudze
1 share
Andris Rutins

Garezera Jahkta Klubs
1 share
David Jirikovic

Vārds /Name/Darbība /Position/E-pasta adrese /Email/
Roberts Ā
Anita Grīviņšrevizijas
Māris Kancsfinanču
Ēriks Kākulisrevizijas
Egons Kubuliņš
Vilnis Kubuliņšbū
Jānis Kukainispriekšsē
Pēteris Lazdiņšainavu plānošana
Aleks Overbeyrevizijas
Ingrīda Pētersonspriekšsēža
Kristaps Pūtelissarī
Edvīns Rozetechnoloģ
Anda Vizulisizlgītī

Mēs cenšamies piedāvāt Gaŗezera sabiedrībai:

  • Latvisku, kristīgu vidi dievkalpojumiem un ticības kopšanai.
  • Augstas kvalitātes vasaras programmas, kur jaunieši var saglabāt un bagātināt valodas spējas, ticību, kultūras zināšanas un sabiedrības piederību; jaunas programmas, gan latviešu, gan angļu valodā, kurās ģimenēm un draugiem ir iespēja uzlabot savas latviešu valodas spējas un baudīt LV kultūru un sabiedrību.
  • Pretīmnākošu vidi, kur rīkot kultūras, sabiedriskus un sporta sarīkojumus un kur organizācijas un ģimenes var satikties.

Mēs šo izpildām:

  • Pielietojot administrātīvu darbību un apsaimniekošanu, kas veiksmīgi un sekmīgi izmanto mūsu fiziskos, finansiālos un cilvēku resursus.
  • Izmantojot finansiālu un talcinieku atbalstu, ieskaitot ziedojumus, līdzekļu vākšanu, maksas, nomas un citus ienākumu avotus un rezerves fondu.

Stratēģiskā vīzija: Baznīca un dievkalpojumi

Pamata vajadzības:

  • Labi uzturēta brīvdabas baznīca, kur rīkot dievkalpojumus, kā arī kāzas, kristības un citus baznīcas notikumus.
  • Garīgā audzināšana integrēta visās vasaras programmās.

Mēs sagaidām:

  • Dievkalpojumus vasaras svētdienās, izplānotus sadarbībā ar Gaŗezera programmām un sarīkojumiem un ar LELBA un citām organizācijām.

Nākotnes iespējas:

  • Remontēt un uzlabot brīvdabas baznīcu.
  • Uzbūvēt blakus urnu kapus.
  • Tālāk attīstīt ticības mācības programmas.

Stratēģiskā vīzija: Vasaras programmas

Pamata vajadzības:

  • Nodrošināt drošu nometnes vidi visām programmām, kas ieskaita kvalificētus darbiniekus, un ēkas, infrastruktūru un darbības, kuras atbilst visiem likumiem un noteikumiem.

Mēs sagaidām:

  • Sadarboties ar ALAs izglītības nozari un vietējām latviešu skolām.
  • Turpināt kultūras un izglītības apmaiņu ar Latviju.
  • Programmu novērtēšanu un uzlabošanu.
  • GVV un GSS mācību programmu attīstību sadarbībā ar ALA.

Nākotnes iespējas:

  • Pieteikties uz akreditāciju
  • Tālāk paplašināt izglītības un citas programmas
  • Tālāk attīstīt mācību programmas visām programmām

Stratēģiskā vīzija: Satikšanās vieta un sarīkojumi

Pamata vajadzības:

  • Labi uzturētas telpas un infrastruktūra, pieejamas indivīdiem, ģimenēm un grupām kur satikties.
  • Rīkot gadskārtējus “pamata” sarīkojumus: pavasara un rudens talkas, Jāņus, koncertus/kultūras nogali un voleja nogali.
  • Veicināt citu latviešu grupu un organizāciju sarīkojumus.

Mēs sagaidām:

  • Piedāvāt vislabāko „klientu apkalpošanu” Gaŗezera saimei, programmās un sarīkojumos.
  • Publicēt un uzturēt sarīkojumu kalendāru.
  • Uzstādīt piemērotas lietošanas cenas un nomas.
  • Aktīvi reklamēt un apsaimniekot naktsmājas.
  • Palīdzēt uzturēt Klinklāva galeriju, O. Grīna tautas mākslas mūzeju un Gaidu/Skautu mūzeju.
  • Veicināt drošību, apzinoties, kurš atrodas un izmanto Gaŗezera territoriju, kādos nolūkos, kādos laikos.
  • Skaidri publicēt un izsekot mūsu likumus un vadlīnījas.

Nākotnes iespējas:

  • Izpētīt alternatīvas cenu un nomu struktūras.
  • Paplašināt īpašuma izmantošanu cauru gadu.
  • Paplašināt attiecības ar akcionāriem, citām latviešu un nelatviešu organizācijām, sakarā ar sarīkojumu atbalstu un rīkošanu.

Stratēģiskā vīzija: Administrācija

Pamata vajadzības:

  • Skaidra saprašana par mūsu misiju, vīziju, statūtiem, struktūru, lomām, atbildībām un prioritātēm un to pielietošana visā Gaŗezera saimē.
  • Fiziskie resursi: īpašums un telpas, kas ir labi uzturētas, drošas, un kas atbilst attiecīgajiem likumiem.
  • Finansiālie resursi: balansēts budžets un grāmatvedība, reporti un atskaites, kas atbilst visiem attiecīgiem likumiem un standartiem.
  • Cilvēku resursi: padome, administrācija, vasaras darbinieki un brīvprātīgie palīgi, kuri uztur visaugstākos profesionālus un morālus standartus un uzticību Gaŗezera misijai un vīzijai.

Mēs sagaidām:

  • Uzturēt atklātu, regulāru komunikāciju.
  • Publicēt viegli pieejamus „oficialos dokumentus”.
  • Sagādāt akurātu ēku inventāru un labojumu vēsturi.
  • Efektīgi veikt finances un likumu saskaņu ar labi dokumentētu grāmatvedības un citām funkcijām.
  • Nodrošināt regulāras saimniecības un administrācijas atskaites.
  • Piesaistīt un paturēt kvalificētus padomes, administrācijas, programmu, vasaras un brīvprātīgus darbiniekus.
  • Dokumentēt cilvēku resursu politiku un procesus.
  • Attīstīt lielāku un stabilāku brīvprātīgo darbinieku pulku.

Nākotnes iespējas:

  • Turpināt veidot dabai draudzīgu un „zaļu” Gaŗezeru.
  • Attīstīt ilgtermiņa īpašuma un apsaimniekošanas plānu.

Stratēģiskā vīzija: Finansiāls un talcinieku atbalsts

Pamata vajadzības:

  • Piedāvāt labvēļiem un talciniekiem pievilcīgas un parocīgas iespējas ziedot Gaŗezeram.
  • Turpināt attīstīt un izpildīt līdzekļu vākšanas, talcinieku un labvēļu attīstības programmas.
  • Uzturēt aktīvu līdzekļu vākšanas komandu.

Mēs sagaidām:

  • Kļūt par populāru organizāciju, kurai citas organizācijas, indivīdi un ģimenes labprāt ziedo, nāk talkā un atbalsta.
  • Turpināt piesaistīt līdzekļus ārpus latviešu sabiedrības.
  • Samazināt atkarību no ziedojumiem, paplašinot citus ienākumu avotus.

Nākotnes iespējas:

  • Paplašināt līdzdalību Saules pakāpē un citās ziedojumu programmās.
  • Paplašināt sadarbību ar citām latviešu organizācijām.
  • Izpētīt alternatīvus ienākumu avotus, piemēram biedru struktūru.
  • Dibināt kapitāla/rezerves fondu.
  • Izveidot „darāmo darbiņu” sarakstu un mudināt treileru īpašniekus, nometņotājus, ģimenes un draugus, ciemiņus un organizācijas nākt talkā.


A Michigan Corporation 

(As amended at special meetings of shareholders, on: March 22, 1968, May 2, 1970, May 12, 1973, 

January 5, 1974, June 5, 1999, May 17, 2003, May 5, 2007, May 7, 2011, May 12, 2012, May 3, 2014, 

May 12, 2018, August 22, 2020 and May 14, 2022) 




  The name of this corporation is Latvian Center Garezers, Inc. 



  The purpose of this Corporation is to conduct educational, cultural, charitable, religious, and social activities; to further the physical, mental, and spiritual welfare of its members; and to advocate and teach reverence of God, and respect for one’s fellow-man. 

For the furtherance of this purpose, the Corporation shall acquire, erect, establish, and operate a center in the State of Michigan, for the convenience and use by its members, and shall engage in all business incidental to and essential for such erection, operation, and maintenance, and do any and all things which are lawful for a Non-Profit Corporation under the Laws of the State of Michigan. The Corporation shall be empowered to own, purchase, or otherwise acquire, and to sell, convey, mortgage, manage, and otherwise dispose of real and personal property. 

The Corporation shall not be conducted for pecuniary gain of profit for its members or shareholders, and no distribution of dividends or profits of the Corporation among its members or shareholders shall be made. 



Section 1. Membership in this corporation shall be restricted to Christian churches, and non-profit organizations and associations whose members are principally of Latvian origin or descent. 

Section 2. No church, organization, or association shall be eligible for membership unless it is an owner of one or more shares of stock in this Corporation. 

Section 3. Any church, organization, or association, which qualifies as a member under Section 1 and Section 2 of this Article, may be elected to membership of this Corporation by a majority vote of members present at any annual or special meeting thereof. 

Section 4. Any member may be removed from membership by a vote of seventy-five (75%) percent of the shares entitled to vote at any annual meeting, or any special meeting of the members called for the  purpose, for conduct deemed prejudicial of this Corporation; provided, however, that such member shall have first been served with written notice of the accusations against him, and shall have been given an opportunity to produce his witnesses, if any, and be heard, at the meeting on which such vote is taken. Upon such removal from membership, the Corporation shall purchase stock held by the expelled member at the par value thereof, payment for which shall be made within ninety (90) days from the removal, upon surrender of the stock certificate, duly endorsed by the removed member. 

Section 5.  Any member that does not participate, whether in person or by proxy, in an annual meeting of members for five (5) consecutive annual meetings of members shall be removed from membership in the Corporation.  Upon such removal from membership, shares owned by such member shall be surrendered to the Corporation without payment or compensation, and any stock certificates held by such member shall be deemed invalid.  Any member removed from membership under this section may petition for membership as any new member under the provisions of this Article.  The provisions of this Section apply only prospectively, and the first annual meeting at which any member of the Corporation may be removed from membership under the provisions of this Section is the annual meeting taking place in 2027.



Section 1. Place of meeting. Any or all meetings of the members, and of the Board of Directors of this Corporation, may be held within or without the State of Michigan, provided that no meeting shall be held at a place other than the registered office in Michigan, except pursuant to resolution adopted by the Board of Directors. 

Section 2. Annual meeting of members. Commencing in the year 1971, the annual meeting of the members shall be held on a Saturday in May in each year. At such meeting, there shall be elected by ballot of members a Board of Directors, in accordance with the requirements of this Constitution. The members may also transact such other business of the Corporation as shall properly come before them.  

Section 3.  Notice of annual meeting of members.  At least thirty (30) days prior to the date fixed by Section 2 of this Article, for the holding of the annual meeting of members, written notice of the time, place, and purpose of such meeting shall be mailed, together with a financial statement for the prior year, certified by a Certified Public Accountant, and a report by the Auditing Committee; to each member of record entitled to vote at such meeting, at the address as it appears on the membership book of the Corporation.  The Corporation may provide the notice described in this Section to members by electronic means.  It is the responsibility of members to advise the Corporation of any change to the identity and physical and electronic contact information of the member’s President or other appointed member representative.

Section 4. Delayed annual meeting. If, for any reason, the annual meeting of the members shall not be held on the day hereinbefore designated, such meeting shall be called and held at a time fixed by the Board of Directors, provided, however, that all of the provisions of Sections 1, 2, 3, and 5 of this Article IV. shall apply to the annual meeting.   

Section 5. Order of business at annual meeting. The order of business at the annual meeting of the members shall be as follows: 

a) The Chairman of the Board of Directors shall open the meeting and appoint three (3) tellers to ascertain whether a quorum is present, in person and by proxies.
b) Election of a presiding Officer, who shall act as Chairman of the meeting.
c) Reading and filing Notice of the Meeting and Proof of Service.
d) Reading of minutes of last preceding meeting, and vote of the approval thereof.
e) Report of President.
f) Report of Secretary.
g) Report of Treasurer.
h) Report of Auditing Committee.
i) Approval of budget for the following year.
j) Election of Directors.
k) Election of Auditing Committee.
l) Transaction of other business mentioned in the Notice.
m) New business.
n) Adjournment. 

Section 6. Special meeting of members. A special meeting of the members may be called by the Chairman of the Board of Directors, by the President, by a majority of the Board of Directors, or by written request of a member or members owning ten (10%) percent of the outstanding shares of stock of the Corporation. The method by which such a meeting may be called is as follows: 

Upon receipt of a specification in writing, setting forth the date and object of such proposed special meeting, signed by the Chairman of the Board, by the President, by a majority of the Board of Directors, or by the member or members owning ten (10%) percent of the outstanding shares of stock of the Corporation, the Secretary shall prepare, sign, and mail the notices requisite to such meeting.  

Section 7. Notice of special meeting of members. At least thirty (30) days prior to the date fixed for the holding of any special meeting of members, written notice of the time, place, and purposes of such meeting shall be mailed as hereinafter provided, to each member entitled to vote at such meeting. No business not mentioned in the notice shall be transacted at such meeting. 

Section 8. Conduct of meetings of members. Unless a majority of members present and entitled to vote at any meeting directs otherwise, the Chairman of the Board of Directors shall serve as the presiding officer of the meeting, and the Secretary of the Corporation shall serve as the secretary for the meeting.

Section 9. Organization meeting of Board. Directors elected at the annual meeting of members shall begin their terms at the first regular meeting of the Board of Directors in the first September following the annual meeting at which such Directors were elected. Existing Directors shall serve until such time. At the first regular meeting of the Board of Directors in the first September following the annual meeting, the Board of Directors shall first convene for the purpose of electing a Chairman of the Board of Directors, who shall preside at all meetings of the Board, and the election of officers, and the transaction of any other business properly brought before it. 

Section 10. Regular meetings of Board. Regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held not less frequently than once quarter-annually, at such time and place as the Board of Directors shall from time to time determine. No notice of regular meetings of the Board shall be required. 

Section 11. Special meetings of Board. Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be called by the chairman of the Board of Directors, by the President, or by written request of three (3) members of the Board, at any time, by means of such written notice by mail, of the time, place and purpose thereof, to each Director, as the President in his discretion shall deem sufficient, but action taken at any such meeting shall not be invalidated for want of notice, if such notice shall be waived as hereinafter provided. 

Section 12. Notices and mailings. All notices required to be given by any provision of these by-laws shall state the authority pursuant to which they are issued (as, by order of the President, or by order of the Chairman of the Board of Directors, as the case may be) and shall bear the written, stamped, typewritten, or printed signature of the Secretary or Secretary’s designee. Every notice shall be deemed duly served when the same has been deposited in the United States mail, with postage fully prepaid, plainly addressed to the sendee at his, her, or its last address appearing upon the membership record of this Corporation  

Section 13. Waiver of notice. Notice of the time, place, and purpose of any meeting of the members or of the Board of Directors, may be waived by telegram, radiogram, cablegram, or other writing, either before or after such meeting has been held. 

Section 14.  Virtual Meetings or Participation in Meetings by Remote Communication.  A member entitled to participate and vote in any meeting of the members, including a Special Meeting of Members or the Annual Meeting of Members, may participate and vote in such meetings virtually or by means of remote communication, subject to guidelines and procedures adopted by the Board of Directors.  A member of the Board of Directors may participate and vote in regular or special meetings of the Board of Directors virtually or by means of remote communication, subject to guidelines and procedures adopted by the Board of Directors.  Notwithstanding any other provision of this Article, the Board of Directors may, by resolution, specify that virtual or other means of remote communication are the sole and only authorized means of conduct of, participation in, and voting in any meeting of the members, including a Special Meeting of Members or the Annual Meeting of Members, or in any meeting of the Board of Directors. 



Section 1. Quorum of members. Presence in person or by proxy of members owning a majority of the stock of this Corporation shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the members. 

Section 2. Quorum of Directors. A majority of the Directors shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Board of Directors. 

Section 3. Adjournments. Meetings of members or of the Board of Directors, at which less than a quorum is present, may be adjourned from time to time by those who attend, without further notice of such meeting. 



Section 1. Who is entitled to vote.  Each member shall be entitled to one vote for each share of stock in this Corporation owned by such member and registered in the stock book of the Corporation at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting at which such stock is to be voted.  Any member may own any number of shares that the Corporation may authorize or issue.  Notwithstanding the number of shares that any member owns, no member shall cast votes in excess of forty percent (40%) of all outstanding shares of stock of the Corporation.  The Board of Directors of the Corporation shall have the right to suspend the voting privilege of any member who fails to participate, either in person or by proxy, in the Corporation’s annual meeting for three (3) consecutive years.  The voting privileges of such a member may be restored by the affirmative vote of a majority of all stock of the Corporation entitled to vote at any regular or special meeting of the members.  Stock held by a member whose voting privileges have been suspended shall not be counted when determining the presence of a quorum under Article V of this Constitution.

Section 2. Proxies. No proxy shall be deemed operative unless and until signed by the member and filed with the Corporation.  Proxies shall be valid only for the meeting of the members for which they are issued, executed, and returned, and no longer.  The holder of a proxy may vote or act in his or her own judgment and discretion, notwithstanding any direction or instruction from the member issuing the proxy.

Section 3. Vote by shareholder corporation. Any corporation, association, or organization, owning voting shares in this Corporation, may vote upon the same by the President of such shareholder corporation, association, or organization, or by proxy appointed by him, unless some other person shall be appointed to vote upon such shares by resolution of the Board of Directors of such shareholders corporation, association, or organization.   

Section 4. Each member shall have the right to give to candidates the number of votes equal to his shares multiplied by the number of Directors to be elected, or to distribute such votes on the same principle among as many candidates as he shall desire. 

Section 5. Action by unanimous consent, acclamation, or voice vote.  The members participating in and entitled to vote at any meeting may take action by unanimous consent, acclamation, or voice vote, on any question, including the election of directors and the members of the Auditing Committee, unless any member requests a recorded vote.  Questions regarding the amendment of the Constitution and questions regarding dissolution of the Corporation must be addressed in a recorded vote, and cannot be decided by unanimous consent, acclamation, or voice vote.

Section 6. Tellers.  Whenever the Board of Directors authorizes the conduct of, participation in, and voting in any meeting of the members virtually or by means of remote communication, votes shall be tallied and reported electronically, subject to guidelines and procedures adopted by the Board of Directors and without the need for appointment of tellers.  The secretary of the meeting shall be responsible for administration of voting by means of remote communication.  The secretary shall receive and count the votes either upon an election or for the decision of any question, and shall determine the result.  The electronic certificate of any vote shall be prima facie evidence of such result.

Whenever any meeting of members is conducted without voting by means of remote communication, a majority of the members present at such meeting and entitled to vote thereat shall elect not more than three (3) tellers, who need not be members.  If the right of any person to vote at such meeting shall be challenged, the tellers shall determine such right.  The tellers shall receive and count the votes either upon an election or for the decision of any question, and shall determine the result.  Their certificate of any vote shall be prima facie evidence of such result.



Section 1. Number and term of Directors. The business, property, and affairs of this Corporation shall be managed by a Board of Directors composed of thirteen (13) persons, who shall be members of this Corporation. Each Director shall hold office for the term for which he is elected, and until his successor is elected and qualified. 

Section 2. Classification of Directors. To assure staggered Board of Directors terms, with one-third (⅓) of the Directors terms ending annually, whenever there is an increase or decrease in the number of the Board of Directors positions as provided in Section 1 of this Article VII, the terms for Directors elected at the time of such increase or decrease shall be determined as follows: 

a) The total number of all Board of Directors positions shall be divided by 3, and if necessary the result rounded up to a whole number. This number of director positions shall be assigned three (3) year terms and shall be filled by those then elected Directors receiving the greatest number of votes. 

b) The total number of Board of Directors positions remaining after three (3) year terms are assigned according to a) above shall be divided by 2, and if necessary the result rounded up to a whole number. This number of director positions shall be assigned two (2) year terms and be filled by the number of already serving Directors, if any, with two (2) year remaining terms and the number of remaining then elected Directors receiving the greatest number of votes as are necessary to fill such positions. 

c) Any then elected Directors who are not assigned three (3) year terms according to a) above or two (2) year terms according to b) above shall be assigned a one (1) year term. 

At all annual elections thereafter, and until such time as the number of the Board of Directors positions is again increased or decreased, directors shall be elected for a term of three (3) years to succeed the number of directors whose terms then expire; provided that nothing herein shall be construed to prevent the election of a Director to succeed himself. 

Section 3. Vacancies. Vacancies in the Board of Directors shall be filled by appointment made by the remaining Directors. Each person so elected to fill a vacancy shall remain a Director until his successor has been elected by the members, who may make such election at their next annual meeting or at any special meeting duly called for that purpose and held prior thereto. 

Section 4. Action by unanimous written consent. If and when the Directors shall severally or collectively consent in writing to any action to be taken by the Corporation, such action shall be as valid corporate action as though it had been authorized at a meeting of the Board of Directors. 

Section 5. Power to elect officers. The Board of Directors shall elect a President, one or more VicePresidents, a Secretary, and a Treasurer to serve as officers of the Corporation. Excepting the Executive Director of the Corporation, only a Director may serve as an officer of the Corporation. 

Section 6. Power to appoint other officers and agents. The Board of Directors shall have power to appoint an Executive Director and such other officers and agents as the Board may deem necessary for transaction of the business of the Corporation. The Board of Directors shall have the power to grant such Executive Director and such other officers and agents such powers and authority as the Board may deem necessary for transaction of the business of the Corporation. 

Section 7. Removal of officers and agents. In addition to other means provided by law, the Board of Directors, by the vote of two-thirds of all Directors, may remove any Director, officer or agent of the Corporation whenever, in the judgment of the Board of Directors, the business interests of the Corporation will be served thereby. 

Section 8. Power to fill vacancies. The Board shall have power to fill any vacancy in any office occurring from any reason whatsoever. 

Section 9. Delegation of powers. For any reason deemed sufficient by the Board of Directors, whether occasioned by absence or otherwise, the Board may delegate all or any of the powers and duties of any officer to any other officer or director, but no officer or director shall execute, acknowledge, or verify any instrument in more than one capacity. 

Section 10. Power to appoint Executive Committee. The Board of Directors shall have power to appoint by resolution an Executive Committee composed of two or more Directors who, to the extent provided in such resolution, shall have and exercise the authority of the Board of Directors in the management of the business of the corporation between meetings of the Board. 

Section 11. Power to require bonds. The Board of Directors may require any officer or agent to file with the corporation a satisfactory bond conditioned for faithful performance of his duties. 

Section 12. Compensation. The compensation, if any, of directors, officers, and agents may be fixed by the Board in its discretion. 

Section 13. Budget. The Board will approve a preliminary annual budget at the first Board meeting of the year.  



Section 1. The financial affairs of the Corporation shall be subject to inspection of an Auditing Committee composed of three (3) members of this Corporation. Each member shall hold office for the term for which he is elected and qualified. 

Section 2. At the first annual meeting of the members, the three (3) members of the Auditing Committee shall be elected, one to serve for a term of one (1) year, one for a term of two (2) years, and the third for a term of three (3) years. At all annual elections thereafter, one (1) member of the Auditing Committee shall be elected for a term of three (3) years to succeed the one member whose term then expires, provided that nothing herein shall be construed to prevent the election of a member to succeed himself. 

Section 3. Vacancies in the Auditing Committee shall be filled by the Board of Directors, and shall serve until the next annual meeting. 

Section 4. The Auditing Committee shall have the duty and authority at all times to inspect all financial activities and records of the Corporation. It shall annually prepare a report to be mailed to all members, pursuant to Article IV, Section 3 hereof. 



Section 1. President. The President shall be selected by, and from the membership of, the Board of Directors. He shall be the chief executive officer of the Corporation. He shall have general and active management of the business of the corporation and shall see that all orders and resolutions of the Board are carried into effect. He shall be ex-officio a  member of all standing committees and shall have the general powers and duties of supervision and  management usually vested in the office of President of a corporation.   

Section 2. Vice-President. The Chairman of the Board of Directors and the Executive Director of the Corporation shall be Vice-Presidents. The Board of Directors may appoint additional Vice-Presidents. With the exception of the Executive Director, such Vice-Presidents, in the order of their seniority, shall perform the duties and exercise the powers of the President during the absence or disability of the President. 

Section 3. Secretary. The Secretary shall attend all meetings of the members and of the Board of Directors, and of the Executive Committee, and shall preserve in books of the Corporation true minutes of the proceedings of all such meetings. The Secretary shall ensure that the seal of the Corporation is kept at the registered office of the Corporation. The Secretary shall have authority to affix the seal to all instruments where its use is required. The Secretary shall give all notices required by statute, by-law or resolution.  

Section 4. Treasurer. The Treasurer shall work with the Executive Director to prepare the annual budget of the Corporation, monitor the financial condition of the Corporation against the approved budget throughout the year, report to the Board of Directors progress against the approved budget throughout the year, make the Board of Directors aware of any situation that would result in material variance from the approved budget, and make the Board of Directors aware of any situation that would impact cash flow, account balances, or would require action by the Board of Directors. 

The Treasurer shall have custody of and signing authority for all corporate funds, instruments and securities. The Treasurer shall keep the books belonging to the Corporation with full and accurate accounts of all receipt and disbursements and depositing all moneys, securities, and other valuable effects in the name of the Corporation in such depositories as the Board of Directors may designate. The Treasurer shall disburse the funds of the Corporation as the Board of Directors may order, taking proper vouchers for such disbursements. The Treasurer shall render to the Board of Directors at the regular meeting of the Board of Directors, or upon request, an account of all transactions, and of the financial condition of the Corporation. The Treasurer may delegate these duties to the Executive Director of the Corporation. 

Section 5. Executive Committee. The officers of the Corporation shall constitute the Executive Committee. The Board of Directors may appoint one or more Directors to serve as additional members of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee may act in place of the Board of Directors, provided that the Board of Directors ratifies the actions of the Executive Committee at the next regular meeting of the Board of Directors. 

Section 6. Executive Director. The Board of Directors shall select an Executive Director to provide active management of the daily operations of the Corporation. The Board of Directors may delegate additional duties to the Executive Director as the Board of Directors in its judgment deems necessary. 

The Executive Director shall report to the Board of Directors, but shall not vote at meetings of the Board of Directors. 



Section 1. Certificates for shares. Every member shall be entitled to a certificate of his shares, signed by the Chairman of the Board of Directors, President, and Secretary or Treasurer, under the seal of the Corporation, certifying the number of shares represented on such certificate. 

Section 2.  Any member that desires to dispose of its share or shares of stock may return such share or shares to the Corporation without payment or compensation, by written notification to the Board of Directors of the return of the share or shares.  In lieu of returning share or shares of common stock to the Corporation, a member may also transfer such share or shares to any other member of the Corporation existing at the time of such transfer.  The member transferring its share or shares shall notify the Board of Directors of the transfer in writing in accordance with any rules or regulations as the Board of Directors may adopt regulating the issue, transfer, and registration of shares and stock certificates. 

Section 3.  A member returning or transferring its share or shares shall return any stock certificates to the main office of the Corporation along with its written notice of return or transfer.  Any stock certificates not returned shall be deemed invalid.  A member which returns or transfers all of its share or shares shall be removed from membership in the Corporation.

Section 4. Registered shareholders. The corporation shall have the right to treat the registered holder of any share as the absolute owner thereof, and shall not be bound to recognize any equitable or other claim to, or interest in, such share on the part of any other person, whether or not the Corporation shall have express or other notice thereof. 

Section 5. Regulations. The Board of Directors shall have power and authority to make all such rules and regulations as the Board shall deem expedient regulating the issue, transfer, and registration of certificates for shares in this Corporation. 



Section 1. Checks, etc. All checks, drafts, and orders for payment of money shall be signed in the name of the Corporation, and shall be countersigned by such officers or agents as the Board of Directors shall from time to time designate for that purpose. 

Section 2. Contracts, conveyances, etc. When the execution of any contract, conveyance or other instrument has been authorized without specification of the Executive Officers, the President or any VicePresident, and the Secretary may execute the same in the name and behalf of this Corporation, and may affix the corporate seal thereto. The Board of Directors shall have power to designate the officers and agents who shall have authority to execute any instrument in behalf of this Corporation.  



Section 1. Authority to Borrow Money.  The Board of Directors shall have full power and authority to borrow money whenever, in the discretion of the Board, the exercise of said power is required in the general interests of this Corporation, and in such case the Board of Directors may authorize the proper officers of this Corporation to make, execute, and deliver in the name and behalf of this Corporation such notes, bonds, and other evidence of indebtedness as said Board shall deem proper.  

Section 2. Authority to Sell or Mortgage Real Property.  No real property owned by the Corporation shall be sold or mortgaged without the approval of two-thirds (2/3) of the shares voted at a meeting of the shareholders at the Annual Meeting or at any other meeting of the shareholders specially called for said purpose.  With the approval of two-thirds (2/3) of the shares voted at a meeting of the shareholders, the shareholders may authorize the Board of Directors to take future action on the contemplated sale or mortgage of real property.  The authority of the Board of Directors in this regard expires at the commencement of the next meeting of the shareholders.  



There shall be no dues or assessments of the members. All income of the Corporation shall be derived from freewill contributions and such income as may be derived from the operation of the Center. 



This Constitution may be amended, altered, changed, added to, or repealed by the affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of all stock of the Corporation entitled to vote at any regular or special meeting of the members, if notice of the proposed amendment, alteration, change, addition, or repeal be contained in the notice of the meeting; provided, however, that no change of the date for the annual meeting of members shall be made within thirty (30) days next before the day on which such meeting is to be held, unless consented to in writing, or by a resolution adopted at a meeting, by all members entitled to vote at the annual meeting; provided further, however, that such notice is given at least twenty (20) days prior to the date fixed for such meeting. 



This corporation may be dissolved at a special meeting of members, especially called for such purpose, by the affirmative vote of seventy-five (75%) percent of the stock of the Corporation entitled to vote at such meeting. Upon the adoption of the resolution to dissolve the Corporation, all assets, real and personal, shall be distributed to such organizations as are qualified members of the Corporation and who are also qualified as tax exempt under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code or the corresponding provisions of any future United States Internal Revenue Law, and that such distribution shall be in proportion to the shares of the Corporation owned by such members. 



Section 1. No additional shares of stock of the Corporation shall be authorized or issued, other than the 

8000 $25 par value Class A shares, 2600 $50 par value Class B shares and 25,000 $100 par value Class C shares now authorized by the Articles of Incorporation, without the approval of two-thirds (2/3) of the shares voted at a special meeting of the shareholders for such purpose. A statement of all or any of the designations and the powers, preferences and rights, and the qualifications, limitations or restriction thereof is as follows: Each share of stock, whether Class A, Class B, or Class C shall be entitled to one (1) vote at all meetings of the corporation.  

Section 2. Shares may be transferred in exchange for any property or goods, either real or personal. No member shall transfer any share to anyone other than the Corporation or another member of the Corporation. 

Section 3. All moneys received from the sale of shares shall be applied to the retirement of existing real estate mortgages and the construction of new  facilities, infrastructure, major repairs or endowment fund

Section 4. The Board of Directors is hereby authorized and directed to distribute two (2) Class A shares for each share of the par value of $100.00 per share held by shareholders as of record November 1, 1973.  



Section 1.  The Directors and Officers of the Corporation, excluding the Executive Director, each of whom serve as volunteers, shall not be held liable to the Corporation, its shareholders, or its members for money damages for any action taken or failure to take any action as a Director or Officer, except as provided in Mich. Comp. L. § 450.2209(1)(c). 

Section 2.  The Corporation shall assume all liability to any person other than the Corporation, its shareholders, or its members, for all acts or omissions of a Director incurred in the good faith performance of the Director’s duties.

Section 3.  The Corporation may obtain liability or other insurance that provides coverage to the Directors and Officers of the Corporation for any conduct to the extent such coverage is permitted by law.  The Corporation may obtain liability or other insurance that provides coverage to the Corporation for any conduct to the extent such coverage is permitted by law. 


No person may possess or use a firearm, firework or explosive device of any kind on the property of Garezers, except as specifically authorized for recreational purposes: for hunting during the appropriate season(s) and area(s), and/or for sanctioned events at the shooting range. No person may possess or use a firearm of any kind on the property of Garezers if such possession or use would violate federal, state or local laws, or any Garezers policies. Garezers prohibits the concealed carry of firearms, even by individuals with a MI or reciprocal state permit.

The Garezers board of directors may designate employee(s) to possess firearms on Garezers property for security purposes.

When possessing a firearm for authorized recreational or hunting purposes, a person shall store the firearm unloaded, secured with a trigger lock, cased and locked, with ammunition locked and stored separately from the firearm. At no time should the firearm or ammunition be visible in areas outside of the hunting / shooting range territory.


• Garezers is a private not-for-profit organization owned by Latvian shareholder organizations with the purpose of conducting educational, cultural, charitable, religious, and social activities.
• The business and affairs of Garezers are managed by its Board of Directors, which has approved policies and rules governing the use, function and activities of the campground. They are implemented by Garezers Administration and designees and apply to all workers, campers and visitors.
• The campground provides a site for various youth programs and other events, as well as temporary residency for participants, family members, volunteers and program or event supporters. The campground also serves the community by providing a site where individuals and families can meet in a recreational setting to socialize and establish or foster connections and friendships with others who value their Latvian identity and heritage.
• Entry to and use of the campground is restricted to program participants, their families and invited guests, and those granted permission by the Garezers Administration. It is expected that all use will be consistent with and in furtherance of Garezers purposes.
• Garezers is able to operate through the freewill contributions and fees and activities conducted at the campground. It is mandatory that all campers and visitors obtain all applicable permits for camping, vehicles, boats, and other related activities. They are also encouraged to further support Garezers with volunteer efforts and monetary contributions.
• Garezers’ goal is to provide all campground users with a pleasant family atmosphere during their use and stay. Please treat the campground with the same respect, care and common sense as you would expect in your own home, so Garezers can continue to provide this benefit for you and others. Please respect the privacy and rights of other users.

General Rules:
• The campground is open during the mid-Spring (April) through mid-Autumn (November) season only. Special permission is required for any use outside of this time period by Garezers Administration.
• These rules apply to the entirety of the Garezers campground. However, additional rules and restrictions may apply to specific areas within the campground during the peak season, from Memorial Day through Labor Day, and/or during the specific 6-week summer camp program timeframes. Additional rules and restrictions may also apply to certain programs, groups and/or events.
• All workers, campers and visitors shall comply with local, state and federal laws.
• Campers and visitors must be at least 18 years of age to obtain permits. Permit holders must have valid identification that verifies proof of age and will be asked to complete registration forms. The permit holder is responsible for the conduct of everyone in their party.
• Individuals under 18 years of age must be under the supervision of a parent or guardian, who will be held responsible for the actions of their children.
• In compliance with Michigan state laws, alcohol use under 21 years of age is prohibited.
• Campers and visitors are responsible for their behavior and actions, and that of their guests. Campers and visitors must be considerate of others enjoying activities at the campground. Please remember to tone down your visitation and music (in particular amplified music or instruments) in the evenings, out of respect to others. In addition, for the Dzintars and Atbalsis areas, there is a Sunday through Thursday evening curfew of 12:00 midnight, and a Friday and Saturday curfew of 2am. These curfew times are consistent with those of the concurrent high school and programs in session, which apply to the program participants and staff housed in adjacent campground areas.
• All trailers, tents, vehicles and boats must display a valid permit. Vehicles and boats must be parked or moored in designated areas only. Trailers, tents, vehicles and boats without permits will be removed and/or towed at the owner’s expense. When entering the campground, please observe speed limits, drive slowly and be on the watch for pedestrians and especially children.
• Please respect the environment and help keep our campsite clean. Clean up after yourselves and deposit litter in designated garbage cans and containers.
• Pet owners shall not leave their pets unattended outdoors. While outdoors, all pets must be on a leash or properly secured with in-ground tethers. Leashes and tethers may not exceed ten (10) feet in length. In compliance with Michigan state law, pets are not permitted on beaches in areas designated for wading or swimming. Pets are not permitted in children’s recreational areas. Pet owners shall keep all pet food properly and securely contained unless a pet is actively eating. Pet owners shall clean up the area in which a pet eats afterwards. Pet owners shall pick up and properly dispose of all waste. Pet owners are solely responsible for the behavior and actions of their pets. Latvian Center Garezers, Inc. reserves the right to ban any pet that causes harm or damage to any person or other animal, and to impose additional bans, limitations, or restrictions on the pet owner.
• Glass bottles are not permitted on the beach in areas designated for wading and/or swimming.
• During the specific 6-week summer camp program time frame there are supervised swimming areas and times. Hours and additional guidelines are posted at the lakefront, and must be observed. Entry to the lake for wading or swimming at any time is at the risk of the camper and/or visitor.
• Use of fireworks, firearms or other explosives is prohibited.
• Cutting down of trees or shrubs is prohibited.
• Campfires are permitted in designated areas only.
• Garezers Administration and designees reserve the right to refuse admittance and/or to evict campers and visitors from the campground for non-compliance with these rules, using their judgment and assessment of the situation, without refund of any permits or fees.
• Questions regarding these rules should be directed to Garezers Administration.
• Garezers reserves the right to change these rules & guidelines at the discretion of Garezers, as required, and without notification.

Release and Hold Harmless Agreement:
• Upon entering the campground, campers, visitors and other users recognize and acknowledge that there are certain risks of physical injury, and they assume full risk of any injuries, damages or loss which may be sustained as a result of any and all activities taking place on the campground.
• Upon entering the campground, campers and visitors and other users waive and hold harmless Garezers, its Board of Directors, Administration and other officers, agents, servicers, servants and employees from any and all claims from injuries, damages or loss which may result from any and all activities taking place on the campground.
• Garezers is not responsible for stolen, damaged, or lost personal property of any worker, camper or visitor.

Purpose: This document identifies the policies and guidelines under which Garezers grants eligible individuals the privilege to lease a trailer site on land owned by Latvian Center Garezers, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as Garezers.) This document may be revised by Garezers when it is necessary. This policy applies to the Atbalsis and Dzintari trailer sites.

Function of Trailer Site Use: Garezers trailer sites are a resource to be administered and used in furthering the overall mission and goals of Garezers and the policies adopted by its organizational governance, in line with requirements set by the State of Michigan and local jurisdictional regulations. Trailer site use serves an important function in supporting the various youth, cultural, religious, recreational and other programs and events occurring at Garezers by providing convenient accommodations for participants, family members, volunteers and program or event supporters. Trailer site use also serves an important social function for the broader Latvian community by providing individuals and families a setting and opportunity to meet, socialize, and establish or foster connections and friendships with others who value their Latvian identity and heritage. Trailer site leasing privileges are granted with the expectation and understanding that use of the site will be consistent with these purposes.

Ownership & Use of Trailer Site: Trailer sites are owned by Garezers, and the privilege of occupying a site is subject to the terms, conditions and fees established by Garezers. Site occupants have no ownership in the site, and no right to assign, sublease, transfer or otherwise convey occupancy rights to another party except as noted in this document. It is the intent of Garezers that granting the right to use trailer sites is for the mutual benefit of the Camp and Trailer owner and not just a recreational camping site. Trailer owner names and contact information must be provided to Garezers, in writing and need to be updated, verified and acknowledged annually at time of site lease renewal.

Terms and conditions:

  • Lease Term:  12 months, commencing January 1st and ending December 31st.
  • Trailer & Septic Fee: Determined by trailer size and if septic dry well or hook up to central system. For questions please discuss with Garezers Executive Director.
  • Lease Includes:
    • One (1) free pass for the 4 + 2 volleyball weekend event.
    • One (1) Garezers auto sticker.
  • Services: Includes use of Garezers grounds, electricity, water, waste disposal.
  • Damage: There is no individual trailer insurance available or implied from Garezers. Trailer owners are responsible for all loss due to theft, fire, vandalism and/or acts of God. Private insurance coverage should be obtained by the trailer owner, as necessary.
  • Eligibility: The primary trailer owner must be at least 21 years of age and a member in good standing of a Garezers shareholder organization. Eligibility requirements are fulfilled when the trailer owner signs and returns the Acknowledgement section of this document along with the lease fees.
  • Occupancy: The trailer tenant must be the trailer owner and/or a trailer owner family member. The trailer may not be sub-leased or rented. The land of the trailer site may not be sub-leased or rented.
  • Non-Transferable: The Garezers Trailer site lease is offered only to the current trailer owner and the owners direct family. This lease is not transferrable to others under any condition.
  • Consideration of fellow residents: Trailer owners are expected to abide by standard curfew times and rules of Garezers, and to respect the considerations of fellow residents and campers regarding any social activities, including late night music, etc.
  • Participation: All trailer owners are required to directly assist and support Garezers’ program activities and/or work programs and other volunteer functions. This support from each trailer owner can be fulfilled in a wide variety of ways. For more information, please contact our Main Office.
  • Appearance: Trailer owners are expected to maintain the exterior of their trailer and the surrounding area (trailer site) in a clean and orderly appearance.
  • New trailers, structures and additions: Are not allowed without written permission and approval from Garezers.
  • COW Construction: The construction of a COW (Cabin on Wheels) is not permitted on Garezers property. A COW may be constructed off site and positioned in an available trailer site only after the COW construction is complete.
  • Parking: There are no guaranteed or assigned parking areas for autos of trailer owners. Some trailer sites provide room for auto parking while others do not. Signs restricting and designating parking are posted in some areas.
  • Vegetation and Landscaping: Trailer owners are not permitted to alter Garezers terrain or vegetation for purpose of: a) expanding or enlarge trailer sites, b) expand or create camping sites, c) expand or create parking or storage areas, or improve views. Trailer site users may cut shrubs or small trees (less than 12′ tall) that are within 4 feet of the trailer. Any other cutting [or an alteration of terrain] around trailers must have the advanced written approval of the administrator.
    • Termination: If you do not wish to use the site and/or renew your lease, you must inform Garezers immediately and make your site available to the next person on the wait list.
  • Vacating Premises: Moving out and vacating the leased trailer site is the responsibility of the trailer owner. The trailer owner is responsible for the removal of any, and all structures, additions, septic systems and other items on the trailer site, in line with requirements set by the State of Michigan and Garezers.
  • Trailer Ownership: When a trailer owner decides to not renew his trailer site lease and would like to sell his trailer “on the Garezers trailer-site”: The Administrator will specify a time duration to facilitate the sale (by owner) of his trailer to the next party (buyer) on the waiting list. Should the owner and buyer be unable to agree on the sale price of the existing trailer, but the buyer is interested in the trailer site, the trailer will be considered unwanted and the owner will be responsible for immediate removal of his trailer from the Garezers trailer-site.
  • Abandoned Trailers: When a trailer owner does not remove an unwanted trailer before a deadline specified by the Administrator, or if a trailer owner does not respond to inquiry of an unused, derelict or otherwise unwanted trailer, the trailer will be considered abandoned. The abandoned trailer will be removed by Garezers at the trailer owners expense.
  • Revocation: Garezers has the right to revoke a trailer site lease for not abiding by these policies and guidelines. Trailer site leasers who do not sign and return this document with their lease payment by the start of the season will be considered in violation of their agreement with Garezers and are subject to forfeiture of all considerations and possible eviction.
  • Questions & Comments: Please contact our Main Office.

Garezers – Trailer Site “Wait List”

Purpose: The “Wait List” consists of individuals who would like to lease a Garezers trailer site. This section summarizes the guidelines and process under which Garezers administers the Wait List. It may be revised at any time, when deemed necessary by Garezers.


Question 1: How can someone get on the Wait List?

Answer 1: Eligibility is open to individuals who are at least 21 years of age and are members in good standing of a Garezers shareholder organization. To be on the wait list, Garezers must receive a written request, along with a non-refundable check deposit to Garezers for $200. Those currently on the Wait List will need to meet eligibility requirements.  This deposit will be used as part of the trailer site lease when you have been granted a trailer site. Garezers administration maintains the official Wait List.


Question 2: What does being on the Wait List provide?

Answer 2: A place holder on the list, by chronological date order of the request and associated deposit. This place holder provides the individual the opportunity to lease an available Garezers trailer site, based upon the process further described below.


Question 3: What is the process to obtain a trailer site?

Answer 3: Garezers automatically offers renewals of trailer sites to the individuals who had leased the previous year. Occasionally, these individuals may choose not to renew and their trailer site becomes available.

  • When a trailer site becomes available, the 1st person on the Wait List is contacted and offered the trailer site.
  • If the Wait List individual is interested in the site and the site has an existing trailer which the owner is willing sell, the individual may purchase the existing trailer if the price is acceptable leaving the trailer in place.
  • Should the Wait List individual be interested in the site, but not the trailer, regardless of reason, the owner of the existing trailer must remove the trailer from the site.
  • If the 1st Wait List individual does not wish to lease the available trailer site, they may pass. The available trailer site will be offered to the 2nd name on the Wait List, and so on until the trailer site is accepted. Any Wait List individual who chooses to pass on an available trailer site retains his place on the list.
  • Garezers has no obligation to assist or otherwise intervene with individuals vacating or obtaining trailer sites.

Gaŗezera 169-akru (68 ha) īpašumu (“Camp Lone Tree”) 1965. gadā latvieši nopirka no Čikāgas gaidu vienības.
Doma par draudžu vasaras nometni sākumā bija radusies tālaika ASV Vidienes ev. lut. draudžu garīgajam vadītājam prāv. P. Ķirsonam. Gaŗezera īpašumu — agrāko Amerikāņu Čikāgas gaidu organizācijas īpašumu — “atrada” prāv. V. Vārsbergs 1964. gadā.

Tā gada 17. oktobrī Gaŗezeru apskatija draudžu pārstāvji: V. Treimanis – Kristus draudze Detoitā, P. Golts – Grand Rapidu Vienības draudze, J. Jēkabsons – Svētā Pāvila draudze Maivudā, J. Pētersons – Milvoku draudze, R. Junkulis – Svētā Pāvila draudze Detroitā, A. Medenis – Ciānas draudze Čikāgā, māc. V. Vārsbergs un J. Ķinēns – Svētā Jāņa draudze Kalamazoo.

Verners Treimanis, no Kristus draudzes Detroitā, lika Gaŗezera financiālos pamatus un nodibināja akciju sabiedrību. 1965. gadā, jaunā akciju sabiedrība nopirka Gaŗezera īpašumu par $115,000.

Tieši šo vietu izvēlējās centrālās atrašanās vietas dēļ: uz Gaŗezeru var viegli aizbraukt no ASV vidienes lielākiem latviešu centriem, piemēram Kalamazū, Čikāgas, Detroitas, Grand Rapidiem, Indianāpoles, Klīvlandes un Milvokiem.

Latviešu centrs Gaŗezers ir bezpeļņas organizācija, kura pieder 143. akcionāru organizācijām. Katru vasaru Gaŗezers piedāvā četras izglītības programmas: “bizbiz bērni” bērnu dārzs (GBD), bērnu nometne (GBN), sagatavošanas skola (GSS) un vasaras vidusskola (GVV). Vairāk nekā 300 bērni un jaunieši piedalās šajās programmās, kurās apgūst latviešu valodu, vēsturi un kultūras vērtības, kā arī bauda sportus, mūziku un dažādas nodarbības.

Gaŗezera akciju sabiedrības īpašumā ir pāri par 100 ēku, visas ar latviskiem nosaukumiem un vairākas, kopš 1965. gada, pašu latviešu – talcinieku rokām celtas. Brīvdabas dievnams, ezermala, Dziesmu leja, sporta laukumi un šautuve ir daļa no šī pievilcīgā latviešu īpašuma.

Gaŗezerā notiek dievkalpojumi brīvdabas baznīcā, koncerti un dažādi sarīkojumi, mākslas izstādes un sporta sacensības. Gaŗezers ir populāra vieta ASV latviešiem pavadīt brīvdienas, svinēt svētkus, jubilejas, kāzas, utt. Sezonas laikā apmēram 2000 viesi apmeklē Gaŗezeru.

Ārpus Gaŗezera robežām turpinās “mazā Latvija.” Kaimiņos atrodās ”Ciems Latvija”, kur latvieši dzīvo vai brauc pa vasarām. Latviešiem pieder vairāk nekā 120 mājas un vasarnīcas Gaŗezera tuvākajā apkārtnē.

Gaŗezers ir pastāvējis kopš 1965. gada!

Pateicība pienākas ikkatram darbiniekam, dalībniekam un labvēlim!

Iepazīstieties ar Gaŗezera vadošajām personām un programmu dalībnieku skaitļiem Gaŗezera 44 gadu pastāvēšanas laikā:

Par Gaŗezeru V. Treimanis toreiz teica tā:

“Latviešu centrs Gaŗezers ir domāts kā visas latviešu sabiedrības nacionāli kulturāls pasākums. Gaŗezeram nav nodoma sacensties ar citām vietējām un centrālajām latviešu iestādēm, bet gan sekmēt to darbību, to papildinot, dodot latviešu sabiedrībai to, kas nav pa spēkam atsevišķām mazākām organizācijām. Vai jūsu atbalsts būs liels vai mazs, Gaŗezera vadība būs ikvienam pateicīga. Ziedojiet ne no pārpilnības, bet no pārliecības.”

Brokastis / Breakfast$8
Pusdienas / Lunch$10
Vakariņas / Dinner$13
Svētdienas pusdienas / Sunday brunch$13
Dienas maltītes / Meals for a day$30
Nedēļas maltītes / Meals for a week$200
Treimaņa zāle (ēdamzāle) / Dining hall$500 | $1000 ar virtuvi / with kitchen
$500 iemaksa / security deposit
Saulgrieži $325
Graša paviljons $300
Lāča Annas paviljons$75
Baltās mājas pagalms$400
Baltās mājas lievenis$75 | $125 ar virtuvi / with kitchen
Diennaktī / Daily$25
Nedēļā / Weekly$125
Mēnesī / Monthly$350
Vasarā (1. jūn. - 31. aug.) / Season (June 1 - Aug 31)$600
Riteņmāja / Camper$50 dienā / daily | $250 nedēļā / weekly
Visām laivām / All boats$100 nogalei / weekend | $350 vasarai / summer
Laivas treilera novietošana / Boat trailer parking$75
Īslaicīgi piestāt ostā / Temporary docking$100
The Operating Conditions Policy of the Latvian Center Garezers creates a six-level color-coded system to easily and readily describe the current operating condition of Garezers property and to provide immediate notice to trailer owners, reservation holders, guests, the general public, program participants, and staff as to the level of access permitted on Garezers property.

The Executive Director sets the Operating Condition, in consultation as necessary with the Board of Directors, the Executive Committee, program leaders, and other staff. Setting the Operating Condition is a matter that rests in the discretion of the Executive Director, but generally the Executive Director should set the least restrictive Operating Condition possible under prevailing circumstances.

Large permanent signs posting the current Operating Condition should be posted at the Main Entrance and the entrances t0 Atbalsis, Dzintari, and Dziesmu Leja. Smaller signs posting the current Operating Condition should be posted in high traffic public places, such as Birojs, Balta Maja, Dzintaru Birojs, GVV Birojs, GSS/GBN Biojs, and Edamzale. Signs should reflect changes in the Operating Condition as soon as possible. The Executive Director should also communicate all changes in 1he Operating Condition to staff and program leaders. Copies of this policy detailing the various Operating Conditions should be distributed and made publicly available.

Presence on Latvian Center Garezers property in vi0lation of the posted Operating Condition is a Class 2 violation of the Rules of the Latvian Center Garezer’s, Inc. Presence on Latvian Center Garezers property in viola1ion of Operating Condition – Black is a Class 1 violation of the Rules of the Latvian Center Garezers, Inc.

Atverts / Open – Green

The Latvian Center Garezers is open to the public without restriction. Access to and use of the common areas or facilities is unrestricted, subject only to the rules and policies of the Latvian Center Garezers. Services are provided at the Latvian Center Garezers as normal.

Ierobežots / Limited Access – Yellow

Public access to the the Latvian Center Garezers is limited. Public access is permitted during daylight hours only. Overnight access is permitted only for program participants, trailer owners, anyone in temporary accommodations already on premises at the time this operating condition goes into effect, and staff. Access to and use of common areas or facilities may be restricted or prohibited. Services normally provided at the Latvian Center Garezers may be limited.

Ierobežots / Restiricted Access – Orange

Public access to the Latvian Center Garezers is restricted. Daytime and overnight access is permitted only for program participants, trailer owners, anyone in temporary accommodations already on premises at the time this operating condition goes into effect, and staff. Public access is prohibited at all times. Anyone present should shelter in place. Access to and use of common areas or facilities may be restricted or prohibited. Services normally provided at the Latvian Center Garezers may be limited or eliminated entirely.

Īpašs / Special Access – Blue

The Latvian Center Garezers is generally closed to the public. Authorized persons and participants present for special events or limited purposes are permitted to be on the property. Access to and use of common areas or facilities is limited to those required and agreed upon for the special event or limited purpose. Services provided at the Latvian Center Garezers are limited to those agreed upon for the special event or limited purpose.

Slēgts / Closed – Red

The Latvian Center Garezersis closed to the public. Only essential personnel are permitted to be on the property. Anyone else present should leave if safe to do so, or otherwise shelter in place. Access to and use of common areas or facilities is prohibited. Services normally provided at the Latvian Center Garezers are eliminated.

Aizliegts / Prohibted – Black

The Latvian Center Garezers is closed to all persons. No one is permitted to be on the property. Anyone remaining on the property must evacuate. Access to and use of common areas or facilities is prohibited. Services normally provided at the Latvian Center Garezers are eliminated.


To establish and maintain consistent responses to violations of Garezers policies by any member of the Garezers community, including guests, employees and volunteers. Policy enforcement with respect to program participants is subject to rules established by the program while program participants are enrolled in the program.


All discussions regarding potential policy violations will be kept confidential to the extent permissible by law, and files related to the investigation will be kept in a secure location to which only the administrator and board members have access. Garezers may release information regarding policy violations as may be required by law, or as allowed by the Board of Directors.

General Guidelines

If any Garezers guest, employee, program participant or volunteer has reason to believe that someone on Garezers property poses a significant threat to people or property, they have an obligation to notify law enforcement immediately.
Employees, guests and members of the Board of Directors of Garezers are expected to notify the Executive Director of any potential policy violations. The Executive Director will determine if follow-up action is necessary.


  • Employee: Anyone currently paid for their work at Garezers, whether seasonal, part-time or full-time, hourly or salary.
  • Guest: Anyone staying at Garezers’ accommodations, renting Garezers property, attending an event or a guest of anyone doing so.
  • Volunteer: Anyone donating time or labor at or on behalf of Garezers.
  • Written Warning: A written warning occurs when the administrator provides written documentation to an individual as a result of an investigation.
  • Verbal Warning: A verbal warning occurs when the Executive Director or a member of the Board of Directors provides direction to an individual and records the conversation and its results for future reference.

Violation Definitions

  • Class 1: Any incident that could have or did result in a serious injury or death, or significant property damage (>$500). This definition includes use of weapons or any verbal threats that imply the use of weapons.
  • Class 2: Any verbal threats, or incident that could have or did result in injury or loss of property value up to $500.
  • Class 3: Any violation of Garezers’ written policies or written communication (e.g. via email, newsletters, website, posted signage) or violations of local, state or federal law that does not meet the two criteria above.

Appealing a Decision

If an individual feels that they have been unfairly treated, they have the ability to request a review of the findings of investigation and its results by the full Board of Directors in a closed session. The Board of Directors or Executive Committee of the Board of Directors is required to respond to the individual within 72 hours and conduct the meeting prior to the next scheduled meeting of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors has the sole discretion to make any decision as to an appeal, and the decision of the Board of Directors is final.

Violation Response Processes

Class 1:

Garezers Executive Director will lead the investigation except in cases involving a potential conflict of interest, in which case the Board of Directors will designate an investigation lead. A formal inquiry must be initiated within 24 hours of the reported incident. This includes the investigation leader filing an incident report and gathering any other relevant information, including signed written statement(s) from any individual(s) involved in the incident and witness(es). Investigations must be completed in a timely manner.

Any individuals involved in an incident are obligated to provide a written statement, otherwise they may be considered to be in violation of this policy. The Executive Director reserves the right to ask any individual(s) involved to leave Garezers property during the investigation, including those unwilling to give statements until the conclusion of the investigation.

After the investigation is complete, an executive committee meeting (open to all board members) will be held within 72 hours to discuss the incident and produce a written document describing any disciplinary action(s) to be taken.

A Class 1 offense may result in termination (for employees) and/or expulsion from Garezers premises (for guests and volunteers) for a length of time to be determined by a board vote.

Class 2:

A Class 2 violation may be handled independently by the Executive Director without direct involvement from the Board of Directors. However, all incidents, documents and disciplinary action must be presented to the Board of Directors after resolution.

A Class 2 offense will result in a formal written warning to be filed at Garezers main office. A second Class 2 offense within 3 years will be treated as a Class 1 offense.

Class 3:

A Class 3 violation may be handled independently by the Executive Director without direct involvement from the Board of Directors. The result of the investigation can be a verbal warning or a written warning. However, all incidents, documents and disciplinary action must be presented to the Board of Directors after resolution.

Garezers reserves the right to treat multiple class 3 violations as a higher level class violation which may result in further disciplinary action including expulsion from Garezers premises for a length of time determined by the Board of Directors.


  • All employees will be given a health screening by licensed RN upon arrival to work.
  • Employees’ temperatures will be taken at the beginning of every work day.
  • Employees will be trained on the proper procedures to clean, disinfect, and to log their cleaning times. 
  • All campground employees will have the appropriate personal protective equipment recommended by the CDC. 
    • Masks
    • Eye protection
    • Gloves 
    • Accessibility to handwashing
  • Staff will be trained on the importance of washing their hands for a minimum of 20 seconds.


Bath Houses and Restrooms:

  • Plastic barriers will be placed between sinks in all public bath houses.
  • The cleaning schedule will be posted on the front of the door so guests know when they can/cannot use the restroom. 
  • The restrooms will be closed during the cleaning and disinfecting process. 
  • Employees will be trained on the proper procedures to clean, disinfect, and to log their cleaning times. 
  • A cleaning log will be posted at each bathhouse. 
  • Disinfecting supplies will be available in each bath house so guests are able to wipe down the area for themselves. 
  • In addition to the standard items that are always cleaned and disinfected (sinks, countertops, toilets, etc.), additional high touch areas will be disinfected: 
    • doorknobs 
    • restroom stall handles 
    • toilet and urinal handles 
    • sink faucets 
    • shower handles 
    • baby changing stations 
    • light switches

Maintaining Social Distancing:

  • Occupancy will be limited in bath houses.  Limits will be clearly stated on the door.
  • Signs promoting social distancing will be clearly posted around Garezers.
  • No common areas will be open.  These areas will remain closed:
    • Lāča Annas pavilion
    • Beach pavilion
    • Playgrounds and swing sets
    • Baltā māja deck
    • Ods pavilion
    • Mežmāja
    • All volleyball courts – no nets will be put up
  • Furniture will be removed from common areas


Communicable disease is an inherent risk of camp. The Latvian Center Garezers strives to protect the health of its program participants, employees, and guests by minimizing the risk of exposure and limiting the transmission of infectious organisms, by adhering to the following guidelines for employees, guests and program participants:

  • Garezers reserves the right to not hire or admit a person into its education programs who poses a communicable disease risk to others. This is determined by the appropriate healthcare professional(s) or the Executive Director according to the Garezers Health Screening document and the most currently available CDC- accepted screening criteria.
  • Garezers reserves the right to not hire or admit a person into its education programs who has not submitted forms in full by the required deadlines. If for some reason individuals are not able to comply with this requirement, they should contact Garezers prior to arriving at the camp.
  • Garezers reserves the right to not admit a person if the submitted immunization record does not meet State of Michigan guidelines.
  • In the event of a communicable disease outbreak, Garezers reserves the right to:
  • require all guests to leave Garezers property immediately
  • prohibit employees from reporting to work
  • require employees to leave the premises
  • Contagious/ill program participants and employees are immediately placed in temporary isolation.
  • Parents or guardians are required to remove their children from camp within 24 hours since no quarantine accommodations are available on-site.


The Latvian Center Garezers strives to protect the health of its employees and guests (including trailer owners, rental guests and day visitors) by minimizing the risk of exposure and limiting the transmission of infectious organisms, by adhering to the following guidelines for employees and guests: ● Garezers reserves the right to not hire or admit a person who poses a

communicable disease risk to others. This is determined by the appropriate healthcare professional(s) or the Executive Director and the most currently available CDC accepted screening criteria.

  • Garezers reserves the right to not hire a person who has not submitted forms in full by the required deadlines. If for some reason individuals are not able to comply with this requirement, they should contact Garezers prior to arriving at the camp.
  • Garezers reserves the right to not admit an employee if the submitted immunization record does not meet State of Michigan guidelines.
  • In the event of a communicable disease outbreak, Garezers reserves the right to:

○ require all guests to leave Garezers property immediately

○ prohibit employees from reporting to work

○ require employees to leave the premises

  • Contagious/ill guests are required to leave the premises immediately since no quarantine accommodations are available on-site.
  • Guests who believe they may be infected with a communicable disease are not allowed to enter the property.
  • Guests must leave the property if they are deemed to be a communicable disease risk, as determined by the most currently available CDC-accepted screening criteria.


This document outlines the planning and prevention strategies Garezers employs to minimize the potential risk of an outbreak, targeted responses to an outbreak, and recovery. No single activity ensures success, but implementation of multiple strategies increases the likelihood of protecting campers and staff.

The Latvian Center Garezers expects:

  • Each program participant and staff member to arrive rested, hydrated, well-nourished and healthy. Parents and staff are to contact the health office for guidance and options to receive clearance.
  • Each program participant and staff member to have fully and correctly completed the required health forms by the required submission date.
  • Program participants and staff to have an updated immunization profile verified by the individual’s non-related primary care provider.
  • The camp’s administrator and program leaders, in conjunction with the camp’s designated healthcare professional(s), determine what immunizations associated with communicable disease control are needed by campers and staff in order to participate and work at camp.
  • Program participant families and staff to acknowledge receipt of the Garezers communicable disease policies and potential actions should a communicable disease outbreak occur.
  • If a program participant is found to have a communicable disease while at Garezers, the participant’s legal guardians or parents arrive within 24 hours of being contacted to remove the program participant.
  • Garezers will provide temporary isolation of the participant, to the extent possible, since isolation may not be possible in all circumstances.
  • In the event of a program shut down due to the spread of a communicable disease all guardians remove program participants within 24 hours.
  • Guests who believe they may be infected with a communicable disease to not enter the camp property.
  • Guests leave the property if they are deemed to be a communicable disease risk, as determined by the most currently available CDC-accepted screening criteria.

Role of Health Office

  • Review all program participant and staff health records no later than 2 weeks prior to registration day.
  • Conduct registration Health Assessment of arriving employees and program participants for the presence of a communicable disease.
  • Share pertinent information about the Garezers environment and program with the Primary Care Provider (PCP) as needed.
  • In concert with the parents and PCP, help with initial care for infected individuals while minimizing the exposure risk to others
  • Track and trend the medical log entries daily for common ailments and/or frequency of cases of illness with similar symptoms which may indicate an infectious disease outbreak
  • Provide guests information regarding nearby healthcare facilities they can utilize to get tested and treated for communicable diseases. Garezers healthcare facilities are intended for use by Program Participants and staff only. Garezers health care facilities are not available for guests or visitors.
  • Orient all staff and campers to illness reduction strategies
  • Establish and maintain access to reliable health information
  • CDC (
  • ACA (
  • ACN (
  • State of Michigan DHHS (
  • Establish and maintain relationships with local resources:

■ Saint Joseph County Community Health Agency

■ Three Rivers Public Schools

■ Three Rivers Hospital

■ Ascension Health

Role of the Executive Director

  • Identify key people for the Garezers Communicable Disease Outbreak task force who would be responsible for critical services should an outbreak occur
  • Conduct preseason training as needed.
  • Review and revise this policy annually and as needed on a yearly basis and as needed
  • Define and establish parameters to determine a “tipping point” whereby external resources are utilized

The Latvian Center Garezers is committed to promoting a safe living, learning and working environment for all of its program participants and staff, free from harassment, discrimination and bullying. Garezers strives to treat every individual with sensitivity and respect and will not tolerate harassment or discrimination of individuals for any reason, including but not limited to, age, race, disability, sex, ideology, sexual orientation, gender identity, socioeconomic level, religion, or national origin in any of its educational or employment activities.

Harassment is a form of unlawful discrimination. It includes both easily identified acts of verbal, written, or physical abuse, verbal or physical bullying, cyber-bullying, and more subtle but equally damaging forms of harassment, such as graffiti, epithets and stereotypical remarks, insults or “humor.” Specifically, Garezers does not tolerate any form of sexual harassment in the workplace or programs. Sexual harassment is an unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature, which offends, humiliates or intimidates the person at which it is directed, regardless of intent. It may occur in a single incident as well as a series of incidents.

Bullying is defined as a deliberate, hurtful behavior repeated over time that involves an imbalance of power and is directed toward a person, or group of people and creates a risk to health and safety. It inflicts physical and or psychological hurt and, as a result, can be extremely frightening for the victim. It is intentionally meant to humiliate and weaken the victim. Examples of bullying behaviors are:

  • Physical bullying, such as hitting, kicking or pushing some… or even threatening to do so. Stealing, hiding or ruining someone’s things, making someone do things they don’t want to do
  • Verbal bullying, including name-calling, teasing/taunting,insulting, intentionally using incorrect gender pronouns.
  • Relational bullying, stonewalling or silent treatment, exluding from the group, spreading rumors, lies and gossip, making friendships conditional and eliciting other students go gang up on someone
  • Cyber-bulling:
    Cyber-bullying refers to the use of informational technology to carry out any of the bullying behaviors listed above.
    This may include sending or posting text, sound or images.
  • Damage to property:
    Includes theft, alteration, and damaging of the targeted person’s property by the perpetrator to cause harm. These behaviors can include, but are not limited to – taking a youth’s personal property and refusing to give it back, destroying a youth’s property in his/her presence, and deleting personal electronic information.

There will be prescribed consequences for campers and students that exhibit behaviors such as:

  • stares, eye rolling, mean or rude gestures
  • teasing, gossip, intimidation
  • electronic/cyberbullying
  • physical contact

The definition of disrespect and the potential consequences for such actions are reviewed with all campers during an orientation session, the first day of camp. All children and youth will be taught and encouraged to be part of prevention and solutions initiative to prevent bullying at Garezers

Latvian Center Garezers