G100: Gaŗezera fiziskais plāns | Garezers Master Plan


Purpose of the Master Plan Committee


The Master Plan is a living document that provides a foundation for long-term property and asset planning, as well as a roadmap to guide growth and development.

The master plan committee works to develop, refine, and execute the Latvian Center Garezers Master Plan to enable operational, program, and property enhancements as well as oversight for the continuous improvement of facilities including:

  • Consolidating infrastructure and operations where feasible
  • Decreasing maintenance and operating costs
  • Increasing revenue stream opportunities
  • Improving the camp environment for our educational programs, as well as for the entire Garezers community.


Ongoing review and development of the master plan includes:

  • Confirming alignment of master plan with current strategic plan
  • Upholding policies and procedures of the Latvian Center Garezers
  • Defining phases of the master plan and investigating possible realignment of proposed phases
  • Crafting thoughtful proposals for the board of directors and shareholders and developing a timeline for acceptance of revisions to the master plan.
  • Presenting to the Board of Directors and Administration proposed projects with detailed:
    • Goals and objectives
    • Scope of project, (including sustainability)
    • Risks
    • Budget
    • Necessary fundraising
    • Proposed timeline
  • Continued communication and education with shareholders and stakeholders to ensure transparency through presentations at annual shareholders meeting, Town Hall presentations, Tilts uz Rītdienu fundraiser presentation, etc
  • Maintaining a relationship with Fabius Township Planning Commission
  • Ppdating land survey (by zones) and understanding land use restrictions
  • On-going facilities assessments to best determine which buildings require maintenance and upkeep
  • On-going analysis of revenue generating opportunities through additional uses of our facilities

Established Goals for 2023

The master plan organizes Garezers territory into four zones.

Annual projects and goals are then formed for each zone depending on operational priorities and the master plan phases.

Izglītības rajons / Education Zone

Area Consensus Plan

  • Area Consensus Plan – Complete and approve the “area consensus plan” for the Education Zone. Intersect Studios led the Education Zone Task Force through a series of meetings through which an area consensus plan was derived.
    • The goal of this process was to advance the Master Plan vision, and articulate goals for the Education Zone:
      • Collect GVV, GSS, GBN together in a unified campus  to accommodate safety and shared resources.
      • Foster an intergenerational sense of community.
      • Create an environment where the physical and emotional well-being of the students/campers and staff is prioritized.
      • Continue to develop an area sequence plan which defines the year by year development required to achieve the vision.
      • Create a document that defines the advantages of a unified education zone and addresses stakeholder concerns.

Ozoli II

  • Complete Ozoli II building project.
    • Dedication ceremony, July 29, 2023

Proposed Multi-purpose building

  • Complete discovery process for a multi purpose building in the Education Zone in collaboration with Intersect Studios and newly established sub committee.
    • Identify placement for this project and budget
    • Seek board approval
    • Bring this project to fruition with a targeted 2024 completion date

Kronvalda building

  • Develop a Kronvalda building demolition plan, including a plan to cover costs.
    • History and review of the building issues justify the project.
    • Shareholders have been approached with a special request to financially support the cost to remove the building.
      • Cost of the project is $100K, which would include necessary landscaping to provide necessary support to the hill/Vēja Kalns.
      • Goal is to  complete this project Fall 2023, pending fundraising efforts.


  • “Dziesmu leja” has not been used in the last few years, and will require substantial repairs. Considerations for refurbishing or replacing the venue are under consideration.
    • Complete a cost analysis for costs involved in repairing Dziesmu leja.
  • Education zone amphitheater option.
    • Provides a multi use opportunity for all programs (campfires, movie nights, socializing, performances, study zone, etc.)

Ongoing Maintenance of existing buildings

  • In collaboration with the Executive director, Facilities manager, the building committee, and program directors, we must identify needs to maintain existing buildings.
    • GVV-Saulgriežu deck has been rebuilt
    • Sprīdīšu playground equipment has been removed because it was deemed to be unsafe
      • A new playground structure has been identified
      • A new fundraising initiative is underway to cover the expenses of the new playground and installation

Sabiedriskais rajons / Social Zone

This zone encompasses the piazza area, outdoor church, and administration buildings.

Cultural Center

  • Continue exploration of a potential “cultural center”.
    • Complete a discovery workshop to identify actual needs for this project.
      • A sub committee has been identified to work through this process.
      • Prepare a statement to share at the next ALA kongress in regards to a resolution that was identified 2022.
      • Develop a budgetary numbers for construction, on-going maintenance and possible revenue streams.

Sanctuary – outdoor church

  • Develop a plan for upkeep and  improvements to the Outdoor Sanctuary.
    • Upkeep
      • Fallen trees removed, benches cleaned 
    • Improvements
      • Walking path made safer
      • Rearrange and possibly upgrade benches
      • Upgrade sound system
  • Initial discussions have begun with representatives of LELBA to compile a list of necessary and planned improvements.

Atpūtas rajons / Recreational Zone (Dzintari and Atbalsis)

The recreation zones include casual recreational facilities, overnight accommodations, and trailer spots.

Additional trailer sites

  • Strategically explore opportunities for additional trailer sites and overnight accommodations.
    • Identify a sub committee to develop a plan for these opportunities.
      • 5-6 potential trailer sites in Atlbalsis
        • Investigate water, electrical, septic infrastructure needs, including costs
      • Cost analysis (weekly rental vs. family owned)

Additional Updates

Sports rajonā / Sport Zone

The sports zone is intended for sporting activities accessible by all Garezers stakeholders.

Tennis / pickleball courts

  • Pickleball lines added to the second court spring of 2023.
  • Additional landscape improvements are being reviewed.

Master Plan Committee


  • Anita Briedis Bilsens
  • Imants Ejups
  • Egons Kubuliņš (līdz priekšēdis)
  • Pēteris Lazdiņš
  • Mārtiņš Pūtelis
  • Ilēna Rusmanis
  • Sandra Kronīte Sīpols
  • Anda Vizulis (līdz priekšēde)

Questions, Comments & Suggestions

If you have questions, comments or suggestions concerning the Master Plan please send your inquiries to:

Anda Vizulis or Egons Kubuliņš

MP Subcommittees:

  • Educational Zone
    • Aija Kins, Pauls Berkolds, Elise Freimane, Ēriks Kore, Anita Briedis Bilsens, Sandra Kronīte Sīpols, Ilēna Rusmanis, Egons Kubuliņš, Anda Vizule, Marissa LaDitka, Bill LaDitka
  • Social Zone
    • Egons Kubuliņš, Dagnija Kubuliņš, Ilēna Rusmanis, Marissa LaDitka, Bill LaDitka
  • “Cultural Center”
    • Līga Ejups, Jānis Šaltāns, Maira Bundža, Sandra Kronīte Sīpols, Ilēna Rusmanis, Egons Kubuliņš, Anda Vizulis
  • Multi Purpose Building
    • Andra Zommere, Aleksis Vizulis, Ilēna Rusmanis, Egons Kubulliņš, Sandra Kronīte Sīpols, Kārlis Vizulis, Anda Vizulis, Marissa LaDitka, Bill LaDitka
  • Advancement of New Trailer Opportunities
    • Mārtiņš Pūtelis, Gunārs Kancs
  • Outdoor Sanctuary Improvement Committee
    • Egons Kubulīnš, Andrejs Junge, Ēriks Kākulis, Gunārs Kancs
  • Tennis Court Subcommittee
    • Uģis Grīnbergs, Imants Ejups, Pēteris Lazdiņš, Ēriks Kore

MP committee reviewed and accepted the 2023 goals, 1/12/23
Gaŗezeres board of directors reviewed and accepted the 2023 MP goals, 1/21/23